Thursday, April 22, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Will and The People 2010

During the last 18months its had been my absolute pleasure to follow the phenomina that is Will and The People, it's had it's highs and lows but never once in all these months has it been a boring journy.
It is impossible not to admire someone who has the drive and ambition shown by Will Rendle, the last year would have floored many a person and those without his strength of character would have fallen by the wayside, to be hyped up to by labels only to be dropped as swiftly before you have had the chance to prove that yes you are all that the hype says and maybe more must be a soul destroying moment and only a person with absolute self belief is going to come through this still a performing artist with credability.
It is credit it Will that he actually now has far more credability as an musician than he ever had when affiliated to a large label, and money spent now is done so wisely and to effect,for a relatively unknown band to go on tour and have such success both on stage and selling their music to all of Europe is a testiment to the
broad appeal they have,and last year I suspect they were one of the most prolific support bands for headline artists in the UK,notably the wisest choices coming after label independance.
In Will you have an artist who appears to effortlessly produce songs of potential chart topping calibre if only given the exposure and it is obvious that the album when it does hit the stores is going to be a worth the long and somewhat painful journey to its release,I for one cannot wait to see the smile on his face when that long awaited and deserved success does arrive and it will be testiment to Will and his great team of family and friends who have supported him in his mission to prove that detirmination and great music will always conquer.
Paolo Nutini April 2010 London
Its true to say that some people may look on 3 nights in a row watching the same artist and deem it overkill, and to be honest I suspect with many artists this could be true I can only think of a handful who warrent more than one sequencial visit and Paolo Nutini is such an artist.
I never fail to be impressed by an artist who can hold the audiences attention to such an extent that the show flies past in what seems like a nano second and part way through you find yourself praying that David Tennant ( or his successor) could swoop down in that little blue box and take you back in time just one hour.I actually find myself wanting to find a negative, have a bored yawning moment or even just a "no not that song again " but of course that moment never arrives, this is the moment where I reach for my set list and find I am actually looking at a train booking confirmation.. it will have to do.. lets all jump on the Paolo Express!!
During the whole show you just know you have stepped into first class.. you feel you are cheating and have maybe scammed your way into the wrong place, surely music should not be this good, its not bland, its not towing the record label line and it's definately not playing to the medias perception of what a star should be, this is one man saying to the world , this is my music, this is my style and more importantly this is my life choice.Paolo has the ability to step from one style to another in such a seemless manner that you are left thinking you have actually seen several different artists in the space of minutes when in fact you have seen one man with the ability to show us many different facets with one common theme pure class.
Its refreshing to watch an artist who is brave sometimes I suspect to the point of foolishness,open and yet painfully shy and one who tries hard at times to play down the looks and sex appeal only at others to really play to the audience, and this is not accidental, who can blame him, if you have a great car you do not hide it in the garage the whole time, now and again you show it off.
At this point The Vipers must get a mention, they are without a shadow of doubt an outstanding band of musicians who bring such an energy to the show and although faces may change you cannot imagine Paolo standing in front of any other band.
So after three days of heart stopping music what are my final thoughts.. Paolo's star is definately in the ascent and no amount of negative reviews will dim the light, and once again more importantly what great fans he has, they travelled from all over the world, waited on the cold streets of London to bask for a few hours in the rosey glow that is Paolo .
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